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End of 2009.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
in a twinkle of an eye, we've come to the last day of 2009. time really flies. this year has been.. shld i say a rather whirlwind year for most of my frens.

love lost. love found. marriages. births. and deaths (MJ!!). ok i know these things happen every single year but they're just more surreal to me this year.

2009 has been a year of many firsts for me. some firsts that im proud of, and some not. but its with all these that made my 2009 such a memorable one.

i've always wanted to dedicate a blog entry to my frens but i nvr got down to doing it. and since i've some time on my hand and its the last day of 2009... i guess why not?

Vimita Mohandas
the indian. enuff said.

HAHA. kidding. well theres so much to talk abt with regard to this awesome woman, i duno where to start. i guess i can say we've been through the best and worst times of the year with each other. i wanan thank u for all the wonderful times u've shared with me and the unforgettable, awesome and countless partying nights we had together (im sure there will be MORE). at the same time, i wanna apologise for the times we were upset with each other. im glas we got closer this year and im really thankful for that. thanks babe.

my BFF, my partying duo, my confidante, my Blair Waldorf (there's my pick!), and my bad influence (in the words of sister zhou). i know its been a crazy year for u and in a way, im glad i got to be there for u when u need me. the psychologist me. there's really so much i wanna say but somehow i cant put them in words. so, here's to a memorable 2009 and hopefully a mega-wonderful 2010 ahead! i hope u dun get married by 2010 and move overseas with the unknown foreigner (whoever he might be). if ever i turn les, u know whos my pick rite? love u much. xoxo.

Jane Koh
my other BFF. i guess its been a crazy year for u too. but i hope its been good so faaar. of all the new frens i've made this year, i think i shld thank u for tat coz its through u, that i've gotten to know more people, good and bad. i hope in the new year to come, we both have less worries, more love, less drama (for u), more money and more cute guys to see! hahaha love u babe.

Looc & Chin
my two big brothers who love me like a sister but treat me like a brother. hahaha. always a party and always know im protected with them ard. thanks for taking care of me ALWAYS and for being there whenever i need.

thanks chin for being such an awesome host in US and making it such a greaat trip to end the year with.

love u guys to bitssss.

Yihang and Yunlong
Hang and mr wong. apart frm vim, u guys are probably my closest jc mates left. despite meeting up once in a blue blue moon, its amazing how we can just pick up frm where we left off everytime we meet. its funny how i feel the urge to update u guys esp when things happen in my life. thanks for being a part of my life and hopefully we can paint more memories togetherrr! xoxo.

ok. i know there are onli a few people mentioned above. but i realised my little muscle called brain cant conjure much information abt each and everyone of u out there. u know i love u guys and am equally grateful for having our paths crossed. smoochies to all!!!

in a nutshell, in 2009, i partied waaaay too much, did not make any enemies (well i'd like to think so). although there are people i no longer talk to anymore, met tonnes of new people and made alot of frens. i've covered 3 more places of the world in this year alone, hopefully more to come next. i found love and lost it. i guess its been a hectic year but one for the book! maybe come next year, u might find urself in the list too.

hope u guys had a good year!!

glanced at the mirror at 1:08 PM
Monday, November 02, 2009
i broke the code. kinda.

and then i really did.
glanced at the mirror at 9:29 PM
the reason why time passes so quickly
Monday, October 12, 2009

miss zhou. says:
btw i dun like this pic

miss zhou. says:
damn fat

miss zhou. says:
u can crop me out

miss zhou. says:

Vim: has been hit. says:

Vim: has been hit. says:
i think u look hot.

Vim: has been hit. says:
and our faces together form a heart shape

Vim: has been hit. says:
dont u see it.

miss zhou. says:
u r blind

miss zhou. says:
i onli see one heart shape

miss zhou. says:
and its nt my face

Vim: has been hit. says:
ok changed la

Vim: has been hit. says:
for u

miss zhou. says:

miss zhou. says:
u know.. i think it would be interesting to copy our conversatons on my blog

miss zhou. says:
i think i need to store it some way

Vim: has been hit. says:

Vim: has been hit. says:

Vim: has been hit. says:
like wad kinda convos?

Vim: has been hit. says:
yea actuali ure right

Vim: has been hit. says:
like the sudden qns on religious beliefs etc

Vim: has been hit. says:
and men, and work, and holidays

Vim: has been hit. says:
our topics may be basic, but its the way it transpires is what is so colourful and magical.

Vim: has been hit. says:
and i don't think i can find a man who wld think on the same wavelength as u. sigh

miss zhou. says:
true dat.

miss zhou. says:
work both ways.

Vim: has been hit. says:
this calls for a drink.

Vim: has been hit. says:
right? its the natural progression of things...after we explain the predicament..then we say no hope for the world of men. then we sigh....missing is the wine man.

Vim: has been hit. says:
juz so u know ever since, i wrote the script at 3ish, i havent done anything at work.

miss zhou. says:

miss zhou. says:
i haven done shit since i tok to u

miss zhou. says:
but im damn alert

Vim: has been hit. says:
alert my ass la

Vim: has been hit. says:
so wad if ure alert?

Vim: has been hit. says:
so WAD

................ahhhh good times.
glanced at the mirror at 7:19 PM
we are meant for each other.
miss zhou. says:

Vim: has been hit. says:
wah lau eh.. live for the moment

Vim: has been hit. says:
im like talking to a guy laaaaaaaa

miss zhou. says:
we are meant for each other

Vim: has been hit. says:
that sure we are

Vim: has been hit. says:
and then we'll juz talk abt the random guys that we meet for conversational pleasure

Vim: has been hit. says:
but at the end of the day, i think we'll juz buy our own apartment

Vim: has been hit. says:
live together and mebbe have in vitro fertilisation with a hot gorgeous man and raise our kids.

miss zhou. says:
glanced at the mirror at 7:15 PM
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
HAH. i've got readerssss. *shy*

anyways i guess u're right. i've been only blogging abt negatives. but then again, its times like this tat makes u wanna blog rite?? hahaha

but yes, i am gonna blog more light-hearted stuff. baby steps. =)

so first off... presenting my dream dog.

the fattest and cutest dog EVER.

glanced at the mirror at 12:22 AM
Sunday, August 02, 2009
nvr expected an innocent conversation would unveil a misunderstanding so long forgotten. one that none of us even bother to clarify. 5 years. now tat it's been cleared up, it has found a way back to haunt us. worse for u.

somehow i wish tat conversation never started.
glanced at the mirror at 12:05 AM
stimes i feel like u think u know everything. and even if u do, there's no need for u to act like u do.

and seriously, if u have nothing nice or anything to say, then dun. i dun understand the need for u to say those redundant stuff.
glanced at the mirror at 12:00 AM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
this is harder than i thought.

i hate it.
glanced at the mirror at 10:27 AM
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
was that self-fulfilling prophecy?
glanced at the mirror at 4:06 PM